

The Story of the Little Computer That Could!


Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and ... Cap’n Crunch

Parsley Sage Rosemary and Capn Crunch

As a desktop computer with incredible processing power for the time, the HP 9825A represented a real leap forward. However, the computer’s input/output (I/O) capabilities really set the machine apart. These abilities transformed the computer into a stellar instrument controller in addition to making it compatible with the widest range of available computer peripherals.

The story of how the “Little Computer that Could” got its I/O abilities is just as interesting as the other parts of the HP 9825A story. This story is written in two linear streams: people and products. The I/O team for the HP 9825A was close knit and the members supported each other quite a bit. As a result, the stories of the people and products intermix.

You can follow either or both stories on the I/O pages by clicking appropriately. Product access is through the table below, which lists I/O products for the HP 9825A in chronological order of development. To jump to the first people story, clock here.



HP 9825 With Three IO Paort

This image portrays the HP 9825A with its three I/O slots, depicted by the three maroon arrows. Its stellar I/O capabilities were a key differentiator for the HP 9825A and launched HP’s Calculator Products Division into the very profitable controller market, which the division dominated until IBM introduced the IBM PC.

Information on the I/O pages of this site came from interviews with: Don Morris, Geoff Chance, Chris Christopher, Mike Kolesar, John Nairn, Dick Barney, Larry Smith, Ed Schlotzhauer, and from the memories of Steve Leibson.




HP9825.COM is in no way associated with the Hewlett-Packard Company.

Hewlett-Packard, HP, the HP logos, the HP 9825, and all other product model numbers starting
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This site exists strictly for educational purposes. Nothing is for sale here. Substantial material from various issues
of the incomparable Hewlett-Packard Journal appears on this site, by permission of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

All text Copyright 2004 to 2017  - Steve Leibson

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